TEASER, whole fable in book
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An * after a word means you can find an explanation under the fable
In the depths of the ocean, the stingray was swimming. He hoped to find something to eat, but nothing was swimming by.
“What’s up these days”, he muttered. “In the old days, there was more.”
He swam a little further away from home but was not very lucky. A little bite here and there but no abundant school.
Could the sea be tired, he thought. He had heard the current sing sometimes, that the sea is so tired, and therefore in a bad condition; that as useless as it was in old times, it was now necessary to carry water to the sea.*
The seagull came diving by. He could go the deepest of all because he had been practicing really hard.**
“What’s with the gloomy face?”, asked the seagull.
“Well, well”, mumbled the stingray, who still wasn’t all that keen on conversation.
“Hang in there”, said the seagull. “If you persist, you will eventually succeed.”
*that the sea is so tired…
This is from a Dutch song by Paul van Vliet: De Zee. It’s here on YouTube to see and hear him. It’s in Dutch. It talks about the bad condition of the sea and that the sea is warning us to take better care of here.
You can continue reading in my book with fables that is published by BoekScout and can be found in their webshop.
The book is bilingual: Dutch-English and is titled:
psychologische fabels / psychological fables
*As in all fables, the stories mirror human behaviour. Through the animals’ characters, we actually look at ourselves and our society. The fables are contemplative, yet vivid and quite humorous.*
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