TEASER, whole fable in book

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The centipede was all in a knot. His gait wasn’t smooth at all.
“Hey, centipede,” said the dragonfly, watching him stumble along, “you stiff too today?”
“Yes,” sighed the centipede, “I seem to put every foot wrong, these days.”
“I met the ladybug a while ago”, said the dragonfly. “You know, he who knows how to move so beautifully to music.(1) Maybe he can help you with suppleness.”
And that’s how it came to be that the dragonfly and the centipede whispered in the horn:
Dear ladybug,
Do you know how the centipede can rediscover his smooth moves? Stiffness takes so much energy. And do you know how to move in a flow instead of in fits and starts?
Thanks in advance!
The dragonfly with the centipede

It took a while before they were answered, but they knew that the ladybug was very busy and constantly on the move. After some time though, they heard:

You can continue reading in my book with fables that is published by BoekScout and can be found in their webshop.
The book is bilingual: Dutch-English and is titled:

psychologische fabels / psychological fables

*As in all fables, the stories mirror human behaviour. Through the animals’ characters, we actually look at ourselves and our society. The fables are contemplative, yet vivid and quite humorous.*

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