LOKKERTJE, hele fabel in boek

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Op een wolkeloze dag in het dierenbos, was het weer een keer zover. Eens in de zoveel jaar spraken de dieren af om eens twee weken uitgebreid met elkaar te spelen. De dolfijn duikelde zijn mooiste sprongen, de ijsbeer liep zover hij kon door de sneeuw, de zwaluw vloog zijn spectaculairste vluchten en de moerassneeuwhoen schaatste zo hard ze kon.
“Kom,” zei de dolfijn tegen de stekelrog, “doe ook mee, joh!”
“Hm,” humde de stekelrog, “waar ben ik Continue reading


TEASER, whole fable in book

klik hier voor Nederlands


On a cloudless day in the animal forest, it was about to happen again. Once every few years, the animals made an appointment to come together for a fortnight to play all day long, every day. The dolphin tumbled in the most beautiful ways, the polar bear walked as far as he could through the snow, the swallow flew his most spectacular flights and the willow grouse skated as fast as she could.
“Come,” said the dolphin to the stingray, “it would be fun if you could join us.”
“Hm,” hummed the stingray, “I’m Continue reading


Nederlands: hier


today will be different
today I let go of everything
today I hold on to everything
today I know
which way to go

so I walk into today
see this bench near the riverside
inviting me to sit down
cherished by the sun
while everything around me moves

wind blows the leaves
traffic goes by
boats float
a flower airs fragrance
passengers pass by

I am Continue reading